The purpose of the meeting was to show to our collaborators our improvements for this 2010 season at our hotels. Although it became a unique opportunity to reestablish a face-to-face relationship with our major customers, which is usually via telephone or email. And because of the occasion, we shared our will to continue investing and improving, not only in the field of facilities and services but also invest in a touristic model based on the quality and improvement year after year, rather than lower prices, a common practice today. And why have we decided to bet on this model? Very simply, because we believe this is the right path if we don’t want to be trapped in a circle cycle of a general lowering of the level that the client expect to find in our hotels and, as logical consequence, also a deterioration in the quality level of the customers.
The meeting began with a small appetizer followed by a meal. Before playing an audio-visual which showed, fast and fun, all hotels in the group, Mr. Josep Gibert, Commercial Manager of GHT Hotels, spoke to thank to all representatives, and thereafter, gave the word to Mr. Xavier Espot and Mr Josep Janer, the two managers, which exposed the mentality and position of GHT Hotels in these difficult times for the tourism sector, and the entire world at large, and our strong willingness to keep investing and improving our products in order to survive in a sector where, for the majority, will be «invest or die.»
The charming and funny moment was starred by «drac» Jordi, our pet, which appeared together with the Oasis Park Hotel entertainment team, which dedicated to all of us a show with music and dance.
Now, we want to share with you with a selection of the best photo shots.
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